Kevin Baigert Named Executive Director of New Roving Patriots PAC


After helping to launch The Tennessee Star as an investigative reporter on the Legislative Plaza beat, Kevin Baigert is moving on to use his political connections, activist skills, and business acumen as the Executive Director of the new Roving Patriots PAC.

“For years, Tennesseans have saved, worked, and sacrificed in hopes of securing a bright future for their children and grand children. Tennesseans, have long awaited the day that we would become the shining city on the hill that President Reagan spoke of ,” Kevin Baigert said in a Facebook video announcing the new group, in which he appeared with his wife, Laura.

He added:

Today, marks the beginning of the end for the elitist rule in Tennessee. We will fight to ensure that the voices of everyday Tennesseans are heard. Roving Patriots will be watching our elected officials, we will be in their districts informing their constituents and we will be holding them accountable.


Roving Patriots PAC seems to have struck a quick chord with Middle Tennesseans. Although it was formally announced on Independence Day, already, their Facebook page has garnered over 300 likes, and the announcement video has been viewed nearly 4,000 times.

Learn more about the Roving Patriots at and visit them on Facebook at




EDITORS NOTE: We at The Star wish Kevin all the best in this exciting new adventure; and are delighted to add that Laura will be continuing in her role as an investigative reporter with us.

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